A smiling photo of Chris Kovarek
Social Services
Chris Kovarek, Social Worker for Memorial Medical Center, is a dedicated patient advocate. Chris strives to promote independence, autonomy and dignity for our patients.Our Social Services department is intended to assist patients and their families with many different aspects of care, beginning when a patient is admitted to the hospital and continuing through discharge and beyond. A Licensed Clinical Social Worker assists patients and families in coping with psychosocial issues that relate to their illness or hospitalization. The Social Worker can answer questions about Advanced Directives and can assist in completion of documents. Our Social Worker also collaborates with other members of the patient's healthcare team to assist the patient and family in assessing what is needed for discharge from the hospital, help make referrals to appropriate community agencies, and arrange for services such as Home Health, Hospice, medical equipment, transfers to assisted living facilities or nursing home placement.
Contact Information:
Chris Kovarek(361) 552-0255